If you or your loved ones are in need of medical care for a non-life threatening injury or illness, visit Davam Urgent Care located near The Woodlands, Texas. Our state-of-the-art facility is staffed with board-certified medical providers who have experience treating a wide range of medical conditions. So, whether you or a loved one is dealing with a sprain, bone fracture, sinus infection, allergic reaction, or any other non-emergency issue, you can visit us to receive five star service and care.

UTI Treatment for Residents of Spring, TX, Available from Davam Urgent Care

When you need urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment, and don’t want to wait days for an appointment with your primary care doctor, you may think that visiting a freestanding emergency room in Spring, Texas, is your only option. However, these facilities often have long wait times and charge inflated prices. Fortunately, there’s a better solution – Davam Urgent Care. We are the area’s premier health clinic providing convenient, affordable care for non-life-threatening conditions.

Some of the benefits of visiting Davam Urgent Care for UTI treatment include:

  • We’re open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., so it’s easy to fit treatment into your busy schedule.
  • We accept most major insurance plans and offer affordable self-pay options for uninsured patients.
  • There is often little to no wait time at our facility, so you can get the care you need and get on with your day.
  • Each patient is treated by a highly experienced and board-certified medical provider.

In addition to UTI treatment, Davam Urgent Care offers a wide variety of other treatments and medical services. For example, in addition to caring for patients who are suffering from bronchitis, sore throats, lacerations, bone fractures, and many other non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses, we can perform physical exams, lab work, imaging, and more.

If you’re a resident of Spring, TX, or a surrounding area and would like timely UTI treatment from an experienced provider in a stress-free environment, visit Davam Urgent Care today.